Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Interesting article.

"Even after she lost weight in high school, made more friends and had more dates, Klein said she hung on to the pain of being the fat kid. The feeling came back whenever she felt rejected."

Scary how we all think alike!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Swing set

So I don't know how it is in other areas or other houses for that matter, but in my house, my housekeeper had other housekeeper friends. It was like a babysitter's club except for Mexican women who cleaned houses and took care of children and lived in the house.

Anyway, word on the babysitter's club circuit was that one of the housekeeper's kids (not her child, but rather the kid she took care of) was having a birthday party, and ::gasp:: it was across the street from my house! So my housekeeper, Lupita, decides she would take me with her to shoot the breeze or whatever.

The party was like any other birthday party at the kid's backyard, complete with a magician. I didn't know anyone there, so I was sitting alone for most of the performance. I kept looking for excuses to go to Lupita but she pretty much told me to fuck off. Desperate and alone, I was seeking comfort when I found it in the shape of a swing set.

I sat down and was swinging thinking about how much that party sucked and how I just wanted to go home. I kept swinging harder and harder because you know, I had nothing better to do. All of a sudden BAM. I'm on the floor. The swing broke! The chain must have either gotten lose from the top or maybe I snapped it. Either way, I was fucking DYING of embarrassment. I didn't know where to hide.

Of course all the kids noticed and pretty soon the birthday boy came up to me and started yelling at me for breaking his swing set. I didn't know what to do or say! I just stood there crying, full of mud and scratches. I ran into the bathroom and locked myself in there where I cleaned up and felt sorry for myself.

I could hear all the kids talking about the "fat girl that broke the swing" and I felt so terrible! I must have been in there for a good 10 minutes before my housekeeper talked me into letting her in. Lupita gave me a huge hug and cleaned me up some more. She told me not to worry about it, that all those other kids were a bunch of jerks anyway. I felt a bit better about breaking that asshole's swing set.

Lupita didn't waste any time in taking me back home where neither of us peeped a word to my mom about what went down.

Now that I think about it, I went through a lot of those embarrassing episodes. I guess that's the price you pay when you're a fat child.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Fat kid at universal studios.

I must have been around seven. I was waiting in line to get into the ET ride and it seemed like it would take forever. There was a group of asian guys next to me and one of them was eating a Popsicle.

I don't know why, but the Popsicle really caught my eye. It kind of looked like a creamsicle but covered in what looked like a red chocolate shell. Anyway, I was enthralled! I was staring at this Asian guy eating his Popsicle when he notices a fat seven year old Mexican girl staring him down.

He jokingly motions an offering of the half eaten Popsicle and I immediately turn around and bury my face into my dad's stomach. "What's wrong?"

I was so embarrassed that the guy had caught me looking at his Popsicle so I tried not to look at him again, although him and his cool kid Asian friends were all looking at me and chuckling. At the time I was like 'WTF IS HE EATING?!?!'

But whatever. Haha, I just thought of that since I was looking at this giant box of pictures my mom has and of course there were like a million from way back when we went to Orlando.

I had this habit of posing for pictures, but I'd stand on one leg and spread out my arms in front of everyone because I had seen it on the Babysitter's Club and thought it looked awesome! Eventually my pose annoyed the family and one of my brother's beat me up. There's actually a picture of me post beating and I look like I had been crying.

Oh childhood.