When we were kids, my mother would make us hang out with her god daughter. She was ok, for the most part. We were kids and I remember she locked the door and played Jerry Macguire and kept rewinding it back to the sex scene.
I wonder, are most kids pervs? I'm sure I wasn't the only one that did this. Anyway, so this girl was a year older than me, and one day after playing we went back to her room. In her room she had all her clothes thrown about, so I saw these panties that at the time, I thought were awesome. They were silk and not the regular kid panties. These panties were her older sister's, but I didn't learn this until later.
The point is, I was so impressed that she wore such mature underwear, I wanted to join the club. So right after leaving, I told my mom: "Mom! She has the coolest underwear, they're shiny like silk! I want some too! I think I'm old enough".
My mom lol'ed and said she'd buy me my very own shiny underwear. So one day she comes home and says she has them, so I'm really excited and then she busts them out: SHINY GRANNY PANTIES. I was horrified, but my mom said "These are the kind of underwear women wear, and this is what you asked me for. Besides, I already threw out all your little girl underwear."
I bit the bullet and wore them... for at least three years. My brothers would make so much fun of me, but I believed my mom. Those underwear were for women and not girls. I swear, if I pulled those panties up high enough, I could tuck them under my armpits.
I don't remember how or when I stopped wearing them, but everytime I do the laundry and see a pair in my mom's drawer, I cry a little inside.